Regular Eggs
- Yoshi can carry up to 6 eggs at a time. However, if Yoshi is aiming an egg, it does not count towards his total and he may pick up another egg. If aiming is cancelled, an egg will be lost.
- Eggs can ricochet up to 3 times off of surfaces like walls, floors and ceilings, regardless of it's starting color.
- Each subsequent ricochet will change the color of the egg in the progression of green, to yellow, to red.
- If an egg hits a surface after it's 3rd ricochet, it will die and fall off-screen, however, it can still interact with one-way gates while in this state like in 2-1 100% for example. [1]
- Eggs will break after colliding with enemies or other interactive sprites such as flowers and winged clouds.
- Eggs can destroy certain enemies without breaking such as bats and fish, but will die upon hitting the next surface.
- Eggs can even be thrown through [2] and skipped along water [3] and lava! [4]
Green Eggs
The most basic egg. These can be made by swallowing enemies and you can also get them from green egg blocks. When a green egg breaks, you get nothing from it, unlike yellow and red eggs.
Yellow Eggs
These produce a single coin after breaking. While not useful in this state, yellow eggs can be ricocheted into an enemy to produce 2 stars, which would be helpful in 100% speedruns. A notable example of this is in 6-7.
Red Eggs
These produce 2 stars after breaking. Red eggs are a quick way to get stars but require specific planning of egg-shots to not lose time. These are commonly used in 100% to skip middle-rings and recover lost stars after getting hit. The egg route in 3-2 is a good example of this.
Making Eggs
Check out the movement page for how to make eggs without losing speed or Trix's tutorial.
Egg Blocks
Throughout the game, you will encounter blocks that resemble eggs. The most common one is the green egg block [5] which, when hit, will give you an egg. Depending on your position, the egg will fly out to the left or to the right. If you have 6 eggs, it will not dispense any more.
There are also yellow, red and flashing egg blocks. These act different from the green one in that, after you jump into it, the egg will form, allowing you to collect it.
The different egg blocks can be seen in various levels such as 1-4, 2-7 and 4-E.
Level Specific Eggs
Some eggs can only be found in certain levels and under normal circumstances, they cannot be taken out of the level, unlike regular eggs.
Flashing Eggs 
- Flashing eggs only appear in 3 levels: 1-6, 1-7 and 4-E.
- These eggs contain a red coin and count towards the 20 red coin total for the level and thus, are not optional in 100% speedruns.
- The red coin can be obtained by breaking the egg on an enemy/interactive sprite, then collected like normal, tongued by Yoshi or simply carried into the goal ring, where it's counted automatically.
- Flashing eggs behave like normal eggs otherwise.
Big Eggs

- Big eggs only appear in 3 levels: 2-7, 3-4 boss fight and 6-8 final boss fight.
- Big eggs can be made by swallowing a Fat shy guy.
- These eggs travel in a downward curve, instead of a linear path like regular eggs.
- When a big egg hits the ground, it will turn all the enemies on screen into stars. (3-4 and 6-8 boss fight big eggs are exceptions).
- This is used in 2-7 to fill up all of the available sprite slots to prevent the bullet bill launchers from being loaded. See: 2-7 sprite overload.
- They can also be used to create additional stars in 100% speedruns. [6] [7]
- It is possible to Baxter a big egg so it can be used in the other levels. The egg's sprite will be glitched, (since they do not exist in the level's tile-set) but will otherwise act normally. This is an important technique to master for the Any% Warps category in order to perform the 3-3 tongue glitch which allows you to skip the submarine section.
- Chickens only appear in 3 levels: 3-3, 4-7 and 5-6.
- The official name is Huffin Puffin but everyone calls them chickens.
- When thrown, these projectiles will fly in a circle and then return to Yoshi.
- They can be obtained by touching them after jumping on, or hitting the mother chicken with an egg.
- They can bounce 3 times off of surfaces just like regular eggs and will die upon hitting the 4th.
- When canceling the aiming of a chicken, there is a 1 in 3 chance that it will be dropped.
- They can even fly in continuous circles around Yoshi if you throw them just right! [8]
- It is also possible to take chickens into other levels by doing a Chicken Baxter or 1-1 Warp.
Egg-Aiming and Egg-Shots
Neutral Egg-Shot
- With the control scheme set to hasty, you can press and quickly release the A button to do an egg-shot that will always have the same angle.
- It is a 9 frame window to release A but it's as easy as just tapping the button. This is very useful because it allows egg-shots to be made consistent. This technique is used countless times in speedruns. For example, in 2-3.
- If the control scheme is set to patient, there is only a 1 frame window to shoot after aiming to get the "neutral-angle". Because of this, in a category like 100% where consistent egg-shots are incredibly important, it is highly recommended that you play on hasty.
In Any% Warpless, playing on patient is fine, in fact, top runner Yamayuu plays on patient.
Rising and Falling Neutral
Whether Yoshi is moving up or down influences an egg's trajectory. This is most apparent in neutral egg-shots.
- Doing an egg-shot and then jumping results in a higher-angled shot.
- Doing an egg-shot while falling results in a lower-angled shot. The closer Yoshi is to the ground while falling, the lower the angle will be.
Upward Egg-Shots
There are 2 types of upward egg-shots, straight and angled.
- To do a straight up-shot, you have to stand still, hold up for 9 or less frames and tap A. With the patient control scheme, you'll have to hold up the entire time or lock the cursor.
- To do an angled up-shot, hold up for at least 10 frames and tap A. This shot will always happen when running and shooting upwards. It will also make Yoshi face the opposite direction, as demonstrated in the gif.
Tonguing Eggs
- Thrown eggs can only be tongued after a certain amount of time has passed (i.e. you cannot throw an egg and immediately tongue it).
- The general direction an egg moves when tongued is dependent entirely on Yoshi's speed and direction he's travelling.
- If you're standing still, the egg will move towards you.
- If the egg is behind you when you tongue it, it will speed up to "try to catch up."
- If the egg is in front of you when you tongue it, it will slow down to let you catch up.
- The faster you're going, the faster the egg will go, however, the position of Yoshi when the egg is tongued changes exactly how fast the egg will move. So to produce the fastest moving eggs, you want to tongue an egg while moving as fast as possible when the egg is behind you.
The video demonstrates first, how an egg tongued when standing still, simply moves towards Yoshi. Then, all the eggs in the room are tongued while Yoshi is behind/directly under them. This causes them to move forward, but slowly. Lastly, all of the eggs are tongued after Yoshi has already passed them. They fly much further and faster. This is very relevant for achieving the Baxter Shot.
Juggling Eggs
Eggs can be tongued indefinitely and since they follow Yoshi's movements, more or less, they can be continuously juggled to follow Yoshi!
This is demonstrated in the video and is used extensively in the 100% tool-assisted speedrun.
Here is an explanation of what a TAS is.
Baxter Shot
Named after the TASer Baxter who discovered them, the Baxter Shot (Baxter for short) is performed by tonguing an egg over the goal ring at the end of the level. If the egg flies far enough, the next Yoshi will pick up the egg and it can be used in the subsequent level.
Pretty much anything can be Baxtered:
- Regular/flashing eggs (swag).
- Big eggs [9] (useful for the 3-3 map corruption).
- Chickens [10] [11]
- Stars [12] (these will count towards the total of the level you are currently in)
- And even Keys! [13] (Not really RTA viable yet).
Baxter Cancel
This trick can be used to carry chickens or big eggs into the next level. To do this, you have cancel egg-aiming on the same frame you enter the goal ring.
Chickens (and big eggs) can also be taken out of the level they are from by doing a 1-1 warp but will have a glitched sprite (since they do not exist in the level's sprite-set). They will otherwise act normally.